# Jetstream with Inertia

Once again, our starting point is a new server provisioned with Laravel Forge (opens new window)

# Install Laravel

In this example we will use composer to install Laravel. Alternative methods explained in Laravel Documentation (opens new window).

composer create-project laravel/laravel app

Let's go to the new Laravel application directory

cd app

Update the app .env file with your database credentials


Create your storage symbolic link:

php artisan storage:link

# Install Jetstream

composer require laravel/jetstream

# Install Jetstream Inertia

php artisan jetstream:install inertia

Then run

npm install
npm run dev
php artisan migrate

# Install Laranx

Copy laranx.zip to app directory and unzip.

unzip laranx.zip

This will add packages\srg\laranx\src files to your application

Add the following to composer.json

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "packages/srg/laranx",
            "options": {
                "symlink": true

And the following line to "require": section in composer.json

"srg/laranx": "dev-master"

There have been issues with adding the package from the command line, so add it manually to the composer.json file.

Finally, run the following

composer update
php artisan migrate

# LaraNx Setup

Once LaraNx has been installed in your Laravel application we are going to publish and setup routing.

Publish the theming directory

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laranx

This will create the necessary files for themes in your views directory.

In your routes/web.php

Add before any other routes are declared.

use Srg\Laranx\Laranx;

# LaraNx Admin

Once the previous steps are complete your LaraNx install will work in your application.

Log in to your application and replace 'dashboard' in the url with 'laranx'. ie: yoursite.com/laranx

You will get the Welcome to LaraNx screen.

LaraNx Admin

This concludes our Laravel Breeze full install.